Texas Work Zone Accidents
The Associated General Contractors of America (AGC) recently released the 2015 Work Zone Awareness Survey results. The AGC surveyed more than 800 contractors across the country to complete this survey. In several areas, Texas work zones were found to be more dangerous than the national average.
The first question asked workers if there had been at least one accident involving a moving vehicle at a highway work zone they were working at in the last 12 months. Nationally, 46% said yes. In Texas, a whopping 65% answered yes to that question. Of the 65% of Texas workers that answered yes, 40% said there had been 5 or more crashes in that 12 month period. Tragically, 15% of these work zone crashes resulted in the death of a construction worker on the site.
Not only are these accidents dangerous and sometimes deadly, but they cause construction delays and cost highway construction firms money. When asked what would reduce the number of work zone accidents, the majority of workers believed that greater police presence, tougher laws and legal penalties, higher fines, and stricter enforcement of existing laws would help. Also, 84% believed that the increased use of positive barriers would help reduce accidents.
The survey also asked the contractors how serious of a problem work zone motor accident vehicle crashes are. 68% of Texas contractors answered “very serious.” Also, 87% of the Texas workers polled said they believe that motor vehicle crashes in work zones are a greater risk today than they were 10 years ago.
Construction is considered one of the three most dangerous occupations in the U.S.. Construction accidents of all kinds injure and kill a massive number of people every year. If you or someone you know has been hurt or killed on a construction site, call a personal injury attorney who has extensive experience fighting construction accident cases.
See the Texas survey results here.