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Free Legal Information Guides

Texas Automobile Injury Handbook
This book explains what happens after you have been injured in an automobile collision and make a claim. It sets out the tricks and traps the insurance companies will set for you, as well as explain everything you will need to do to make a fair recovery. It also helps explain how you can handle a claim on your own and how an experienced Board Certified Personal Injury Attorney can assist you in making a larger recovery.

Help, I’ve Fallen and I Can’t Get Help
Most people believe that if you fall on someone else’s property in Texas you are automatically entitled to a settlement. Nothing could be further from the truth! In Texas the Court’s will do everything they can to try to prevent a landowner from having to pay damages when they are negligent and someone trips and falls. This book explains what is required in Texas for an injured person to make a fair recovery and what specific things you need to do – immediately if you have been injured in a fall or a trip – to protect your rights. It also sets out in detail how an experienced Board Certified Personal Injury Attorney can help you fully investigate your fall and how he can help you make a valid claim.

Your Guide to Automobile Insurance
This book sets out all the different types of Automobile Insurance you can buy in Texas and explains what each covers and does not cover if you need to make a claim. It also explains the types and amounts of specific automobile insurance coverage that Kerry H. Collins, a Board Certified Personal Injury Attorney, recommends you carry and why.